Crystal Of Intellect and Higher Vibration. Opens the mind to learning about Spirituality.
Chrome Diopside raises you to a Higher Vibration than Moldavite, but takes you there in a gentler manner.
Chrome Diopside will stimulate your intellect, assisting in the learning process of Spiritually, while attuning you to the proper Vibration.
Chrome Diopside is a wonderful Healer for those who have held back their tears for too long, helping them to cry and release their feelings to grow into something new. It provides a sense of empowerment and helps one to recognize the strength within themselves. It expands Love on every level. A must have Crystal!
*Wrapped in Copper Wire
*You can always Call us and personally pick out your Crystal and the color of wire that you would like it to be wrapped in. 725-244-0114
*Because we work with Raw Crystals, sizes and shapes will vary.
(Pictures are just a sample)
We ask that you trust in CC’s Angel Guides to pick your perfect Crystal; the one that resonates with your personality and vibration.